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Posted: 02/23/2023 - by Dean Reid

Learn 6 Things to Consider When Building a Mobile Application

There can be multiple reasons why many companies have not built a mobile app for their business. Companies may have a lack of technical expertise, or they are afraid of the cost, or are uncertain about the market demand, or perhaps the time commitment to create a mobile app.  

Mobile Application Statistics

Mobile apps are becoming increasingly important in B2C & B2B settings, with many businesses adopting mobile apps to improve their marketing, sales, and operational processes.

  • In 2021, 83% of B2C & B2B marketers reported using mobile apps for content marketing, up from 70% in 2020. (Content Marketing Institute)
  • 80% of B2C & B2B buyers are using mobile at work, and more than 60% report that mobile played a significant role in a recent purchase. (Google)
  • According to a survey of B2C & B2B decision-makers, 45% of respondents said that mobile apps have helped them make better business decisions. (Clutch)
  • 70% of all software interactions in enterprises will occur on mobile devices, highlighting the growing importance of mobile apps in B2C & B2B settings. (Gartner)
  • B2C & B2B mobile app usage is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years, with experts predicting that the global B2B mobile app market will reach $140 billion by 2023. (MarketsandMarkets)

Impressive statistics above - but what types of things need to be considered when building a mobile application?

Learn 6 Things to Consider When Building a Mobile Application

  1. Cost - developing and maintaining a mobile app can be expensive, especially for small and medium-sized businesses
    • Platform - the cost of building a mobile app will vary depending on the platform you choose (e.g. iOS, Android)
    • App Type - it will depend on if you want to build - a simple app with basic features, or a complex app with multiple features and integrations
    • Development Method - the cost of building a mobile app depends on the development method you choose - in-house team, a freelancer, or a software development agency
    • Complexity - the number of features, integrations & screens - will impact the cost of building a mobile app
    • Design - the level of customization and the use of graphics - will also influence the cost 
    • Build Location - the local where the app is built will impact the development of the mobile app (i.e. US, Europe, elsewhere)
    • Ongoing Maintenance - to ensure that the app continues to work effectively and provide a positive user experience 
  2. Technical Expertise - building a mobile app requires specialized skills and technical expertise, which many companies may not have in-house 
    • Mobile operating systems - you need to know the platform's architecture, programming languages (e.g., Java, SWIFT) and development tools
    • Mobile app development frameworks - you ought to use a development framework (e.g. React Native, Xamarin, Flutter)
    • Object-oriented programming (OOP) - you must be familiar with the principles of OOP and be able to apply them when writing code
    • Databases - you must understand databases and be able to work with SQL or NoSQL databases if your apps require a back-end database
    • APIs - you need to have a good understanding of APIs (e.g. RESTful APIs) if your app is to communicate with a server to retrieve or send data
    • Version control - you ought to have version control systems (e.g. Git), to allow multiple developers to work on a codebase & track changes
    • Debugging and testing - you'll need to be able to troubleshoot and test your mobile app to identify and fix any bugs
    • Mobile security - you must understand the security implications of developing a mobile app (protecting user data & secure it from hacking) 
  3. Prioritization - companies may prioritize other initiatives or projects that they believe will have a higher return on investment
  4. Lack of Understanding - some may not understand the benefits of a mobile app (e.g. increased customer engagement & better brand exposure)
  5. Limited Resources - companies with limited resources may struggle to allocate sufficient time and resources towards developing a mobile app
  6. Uncertainty - companies may be uncertain about the level of adoption of their app and whether it will be successful. But there are things you can do to ensure its success 
    • Offer a unique value proposition - differentiate your app from others in the market by solving a real problem or provide a valuable service to your target users
    • Optimize for user experience - ensure your app is user-friendly and provides a smooth & intuitive experience 
    • Promote your app through social media - utilize social media & other marketing channels to reach your target audience and generate interest in your app (e.g. influencers, bloggers, media outlets)  
    • Offer incentives for early adopters - offer incentives, such as discounts or exclusive offers to early adopters to encourage downloads and use of the app
    • Monitor & respond to feedback - monitor user feedback and use it to improve your app. Respond to questions, comments and suggestions in a timely manner. Show them you're listening 
    • Engage with users - encourage user engagement with in-app communication options (e.g. messaging or forums). Regularly engage with users and encourage them to share their thoughts and ideas 
    • Optimize for app stores - optimize the app's listing in app stores with clear & concise descriptions, high-quality screenshots and videos, and relevant keywords to increase visibility 
    • Offer free trials - offer free trials or freemium models to allow users to try the app before committing to a purchase. This can help increase adoption and improve the likelihood of them paying for your app in the future
    • Collaborate with complementary businesses - partner with complementary businesses to increase visibility and reach of your app

Developing a mobile application can be a daunting task, but do not worry - Poeta Digital has built numerous mobile applications for clients that saw very positive outcomes. Give us a shout - it will be the best thing you have done today.